NATO has updated its Digital Cinema System Requirements. This is the first such update in 2 years.
Under the leadership of NATO’s digital cinema consultant Michael Karagosian and dedicated member volunteers, the new requirements updates some issues and breaks new ground in others, including
– Operational requirements
– Maintenance operations
– Workflow requirements
– System requirements for support of the blind, deaf, and hard-of-hearing.
A fresh review of the entire document was conducted, deleting some requirements no longer needed, and expanding or creating new section topics. Among the highlights,
1) Exhibitor-driven universal theatre identification scheme introduced.
2) Establishes the requirement for a commodity digital cinema server.
3) New requirement for closed caption support.
4) Workflow automation requirements introduced.
5) TMS (Theater Management System) described in terms of 3 service functions, with detailed roles for each service.
6) New requirements for exhibitor network security.
If you have d-cinema systems installed in your theater, or are planning to install them, I encourage you to read it.